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The Amateur's Code, written by Paul M. Segal, callsign: W9EEA in 1928, is a set of guiding principles and ethical guidelines for amateur radio operators. The code aims to promote good conduct, mutual respect, and responsible behavior within the amateur radio community. It serves as a foundation for promoting a positive and constructive environment for all radio amateurs worldwide. The code is often cited as a key reference for amateur radio operators and is widely recognized by the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) member societies. Below is the text of the Amateur's Code:

"The Amateur's Code"

1. The Amateur is Considerate... He/[She] never knowingly operates in such a way as to lessen the pleasure of others.

2. Loyal... He/[She] offers loyalty, encouragement, and support to other amateurs, local clubs, and the American Radio Relay League, through which Amateur Radio in the United States is represented nationally and internationally.

3. Progressive... He/[She] keeps his/her station abreast of science. It is well-built and efficient. His/[Her] operating practice is above reproach.

4. Friendly... He/[She] operates slowly and patiently when requested; offers friendly advice and counsel to beginners; kind assistance, cooperation, and consideration for the interests of others. These are the marks of the amateur spirit.

5. Balanced... Radio is an avocation, never interfering with duties owed to family, job, school, or community.

6. Patriotic... His/[Her] knowledge and station are always ready for service to the country and community.

Research by Ted Lee, VE7LE or VE7LEE

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